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На форумах с октября 2005
Местонахождение: последний этаж
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новое интервью хьюго

Hugo Weaving: Queer Street 2
Video Interview for Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Hugo Weaving and Guy Pearce Transcription courtesy of hard work by Diane at the Hugo Weaving Yahoo! group

The interviewer is a young woman, the place is GAY club in London, the atmosphere is lighthearted (both actors have been drinking bottles of beer which they still hold).

Interviewer to Guy: "Queen of the Desert" what do you do?

Guy: We dress up in women's clothes ,drive a big bus and mouth the words to other people's songs.

Int: sounds perverse to me (turns to Hugo)What do you do?

Hugo: Much the same thing, I dress up as an emu at one stage and a lizard at another stage.

Int: Sounds like lots of men dressed up as women. Tell me- what did you get out of it?

Hugo: Oh it's very erotic!

Guy: What?

Int: What did you get out of it?

Guy: Oh it was a whole new experience. I think to let yourself express yourself in a completely different way like a female ~ creative .

Int:So destroy the illusion of these guys that are watching - are you or are you not?

Guy; I have to say that I'm not.

Int: But why?

Guy: Why am I straight?

Int: You said THE word!

Guy: I said THE word ,I'm sorry! Why am I? I don't know I just wanna be I suppose.

Int;(turns to Hugo)What about you?

[Hugo raises his hand and displays his ring]

Int: That's like sign language for a Joan Armatrading song which meansmy lips are sealed.

Hugo [leans forward eyes half closed] Says what?

Int: Watch it my lips are sealed.

Hugo; My lips are sealed do you think that's what it means?

Int; Does it?

Hugo: No it just means I have a ring on my finger.

Int: which means what?

Hugo; It means I'm sort of married but not really.

Int;But this is ambiguous!

Hugo; It IS ambiguous.

Int; No be ambiguous.

Hugo; Be ambiguous, you want me to be ambiguous? What about?


Hugo ;This conversation's absolutely ridiculous!


[Hugo gives Mitzi type laugh]

Interviewer( looks at Hugo ) They briefed me ,they said "silly" what can I tell you ,they said "silly"

Int; (to Guy) Have you ever ben shagged by a Miss Piggy?

Guy; I took her on a date once and she said to me "We're never going to do this on a first date" and unfortunately I never got on to her again so sadly no we never got as far as a second date.

Int; dreadful I do think that she said that to me first time.(Turns to Hugo)What about you and Kermit?

Hugo; Oh Kermit, Kermit and I are very good friends.

Int;friends or FRIENDS

Hugo; Just friends,just friends with a small "f" but he doesn't have one.

Int; Really?

Hugo; I know he wears Kermit Klein jeans but he doesn't have one underneath them, Undies I mean undies!

Int;Kermit has no undies how can I cope?

w h a t is ....

Матрица 4: Эволюция

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На счет пяти процентов - не знаю... где-то было... где встречал - не помню... но на самом деле, человек потенциально может очень многое... а реально не может ничего (c) CRAY ZII
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