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На форумах с марта 2008
Местонахождение: The Source
Сообщений: 86

Surely, it is! It is better to continue. smile I've read The Spoon through. Suppose, it has made me a different human.) Entirely happy to be here, discussing the world (our world), which doesn't exist. If it existed, I'd be extremely disappointed, what do we need the world that doesn't make sense for? I like what V. Pelevin said: a dream, which is having a dream. Before I came to The Spoon, I had strongly believed in karma and all that stuff, but now... Seems like I'm a bit confused, the theory was beautiful, but... The one with a non-existing world I tend to like best. I wish we had a button "Cancel" to have an opportunity to turn this world off whenever we want to.

Shoot me or love me. (c)
Но он-таки переборол всё и сказал "Фридом!" (с)
A new man, so to speak. Like you, apparently, free. (с)

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Cinnamon в оффлайне Old Post 25.09.2009 06:24
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