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На форумах с октября 2003
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А в Австралии появится 2 апреля...


Australia will be first to take home the final chapter! Roadshow Entertainment is proud to announce that MATRIX REVOLUTIONS will now be released on April 2nd 2004 to VIDEO and DVD. This new release date (previously April 6) gives Australian home entertainment audiences the opportunity to own this highly anticipated release ahead of the US, and some Asian and European territories.

The Matrix Revolutions will be priced to own at $49.95 for DVD and $29.95VHS. Order cut off date for rental and retail is March 3rd. Roadshow Entertainment is ensuring that the Australian marketplace remains at the forefront of the international DVD market by releasing Matrix Revolutions ahead of the US release date on April 2nd. This gives Australian consumers the chance to get their hands on a copy earlier than most territories worldwide. Australians have a particular affinity with the Matrix franchise given the fact that it was filmed here and they have embraced the films with a fanaticism not seen in other countries. Said Roadshow Entertainment Retail Marketing Manager Jeremy Hinton.

Roadshow Entertainment will support the release of The Matrix Revolutions with a massive media campaign on a similar scale as The Matrix Reloaded DVD release.

I remember that time
When Life was a miracle.

The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country. (c) "V for Vendetta"

И хотя я понимаю, что это глупо, я опасаюсь стать фанатом "Матрицы", каждый день думаю об этом! Забавно?!

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Уивинг в оффлайне Old Post 12.02.2004 01:04
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