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Житель Зиона

На форумах с сентября 2004
Местонахождение: В её сердце Времяпрепровождение: дырочкобурение Перманентность: перманентная Сообщений:3146785 Сообщений:1234547 Непрочитанных: 13
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Немного по занимался нетраннингом и нашел вам цитату про йеллоу повер:

From the vantage point of the octarine gnosis, the magician self should be able to perceive the selves of the other seven powers, and be able to see their interrelationship within his total organism. Thus the octarine power brings some ability in psychiatry, which is the adjustment of the relationship between the selves in an organism. The basic difference between a magician and a civilian is that in the latter the octarine power is vestigial or undeveloped. The normal resting or neutral mode a civilian corresponds to a mild expression of the yellow power which he regards as his normal personality or "ego". The magician self however, is fully aware that this is but one of eight major tools that the organism possesses. Thus, in a sense, the "normal personality" of the magician is a tool of his magical self (and, importantly, vice versa). This realisation gives him some advantage over ordinary people. However the developing magical self will soon realize that it is not in itself superior to the other selves that the organism consists of, for there are many things they can do which it cannot.

Философия, эго!!!!
Вачовски форева happy
Полный текст тут: http://glaz.pesni.ru/books/magick/PC_LK.htm

Дело не в тебе

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[CPR]-AL.exe в оффлайне Old Post 20.09.2004 09:01
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